Wood Work
The art of working wood has been a standard practice in Mexico for over five hundred years. The carpenter, skillful in his trade, built the primitive dwellings with materials of their surroundings, by cutting, sawing, matching, and fitting the boards or beams until they were assembled. Furniture, doors, toys, and utensils have been made by parents inheriting this trade to their children. Throughout time tradition and innovation have evolved this noble trade with new techniques, the treatment of wood, the use of tools for the creation of functional and at the same time aesthetic objects, as well as the revaluation of handmade techniques made by hand enriched with creative expert designs and high quality wood. Artisan carpentry is a cultural wealth that reflects identity and history, is art, and a potential trade for the creation of works of wood of great utility and beauty.
Artisan: Punto Nodal
Zapopan, Jalisco, México
Text by: Laura Landeros Zuno.
Translation from spanish: Alejandra Vázquez.
Sources: Grandes Maestros del Arte Popular, Primera reimpresión, 2001, Fomento Cultural Banamex, México, D.F., http://artesdemexico.com, http://www.mexicodesconocido.com, https://sites.google.com/site/rechazadoyembutidodemetales/, http://www.buenastareas.com/ensayos/Rechazado-De-Metales/2701763.html, https://bifea.revues.org/4057?lang=en, http://www.piteadofino.com/piteado_fino_113.htm.