Tenango Embroidery
Symbolic reflection of their colorful and generous land, are the embroidery of Tenango, Hidalgo. The flora and fauna of the place inspires the artisan community to create works of art on cotton canvases. As "Tenangos" are known these embroideries with threads of colors as intense and daily as this area of the country: beautiful, lush and sinuous in the state of Hidalgo, Mexico. Unique pieces, small or large, adorn tables and walls of variety of spaces inside and outside of Mexico. Elaborated mostly by women, draftsmen and embroiderers, who from the earliest years receive the teaching of their mother, or their aunts to preserve the family tradition. Beautiful pieces impregnated of time and perennial in the, spinning to the magic and the long periods required for its creation.
Artisan: Cándida Pérez
Tenango de Doria, Hidalgo, México
Text by: Laura Landeros Zuno.
Translation from spanish: Alejandra Vázquez.
Sources: Grandes Maestros del Arte Popular, Primera reimpresión, 2001, Fomento Cultural Banamex, México, D.F., http://artesdemexico.com, http://www.mexicodesconocido.com, https://sites.google.com/site/rechazadoyembutidodemetales/, http://www.buenastareas.com/ensayos/Rechazado-De-Metales/2701763.html, https://bifea.revues.org/4057?lang=en, http://www.piteadofino.com/piteado_fino_113.htm.