Burnished Clay

Burnished Clay

Black, white or red, is the color of the raw material, the clay that forms the modeling of variety of pieces created in Tonalá, Jalisco. Large blocks are removed from their soil after they are separated and grind to dust. Poured and pure, the water is added and the time takes care of this process, the fermenting, until it leaves it usable to create the pieces that later will be polished and decorated with precision and detail. Ancient, prehispanic technique in the creation of varied and original pieces that skillful hands adorn with pigments of earth and then rub with "pyrite" a mineral stone that closes the pores and prints the smooth shine that gives its name.

Artisan: Ángel Santos
Tonalá, Jalisco, México

Text by: Laura Landeros Zuno.
Translation from spanish: Alejandra Vázquez.
Sources: Grandes Maestros del Arte Popular, Primera reimpresión, 2001, Fomento Cultural Banamex, México, D.F., http://artesdemexico.com, http://www.mexicodesconocido.com, https://sites.google.com/site/rechazadoyembutidodemetales/, http://www.buenastareas.com/ensayos/Rechazado-De-Metales/2701763.html, https://bifea.revues.org/4057?lang=en, http://www.piteadofino.com/piteado_fino_113.htm.